Gala hazelnuts: the farm and the lab

Gala farm is born from the traditions, after generations of hazelnuts growing farmers, the Ferrero family has decided to dedicate a laboratory to prepare high quality products, directly from the fruits grown in the farm.

The “Nocciola Tonda Gentile” – the round and gentle hazelnut – is typically and uniquely grown in the Langhe area and it is considered as one of the best hazelnut variety for the production of confectionary products.

The quality of this fruit is recognised through the I.G.P. (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) accreditation which certifies the product quality and authenticity. Hazelnuts are cultivated using traditional methods and it is now transformed using modern and sophisticated machineries which allow preserving the flavours and the fragrance.

The farm comprises 10 hectares of hazelnut plantations, as well as 8,5 hectares of vineyards.

The trees cover the rolling hills and they are characterised by a deep green lash leafy grows during the warmer seasons and they create a suggestive scenary during winter, when branches are covered in ice and snow.

The harvesting takes place in August in few passes, allowing the ripen fruits to fall on the ground. Years ago the harvest was undertaken by hand: in this occasion three generations, from the children to the grandparents, were reunited in the fields for hours of picking. Today the harvest in undertaken using efficient machinery which reduce the picking time whilst preserving the fruit integrity.

Hazelnuts can be eaten fresh off the tree or after being dried out and roasted. Moreover it can be used for preparation of a variety of confectionary products, including cakes, torrone, and chocolate. Our laboratory offers whole roasted hazelnuts, besides nut grains, paste and flour ready to use.

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